Stuart Todd
Chartered Town Planner RTPI
Stuart offers a combination of senior level management experience and an understanding of the “bigger picture”, with an appreciation for detail and the skills and knowledge to deliver effective research, consultation and analysis. Stuart's career has allowed him to specialise in a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues in addition to planning research, strategy, policy, and implementation & delivery. Stuart served on the South West RTPI Regional Management Board as Joint Honorary Secretary for three years (2012-2015) and is a member of the Town and Country Planning Association. He has two key areas of specialism:
• Planning for sport, active lives & recreation - advising local authorities, clubs and Active Partnerships through sports facility, playing pitch and demand / needs assessments for major developments; and,
• Planning policy & strategy development – supporting local authorities with Local Plan evidence base and parish / town councils, having worked on more than 50 neighbourhood plans.
Stuart also advises clients on the viability and feasibility of facilities, on planning applications and objections, undertaking appraisals of planning proposals and has provided key planning input into economic development strategies and regeneration schemes through Masterplanning and business planning to access grant funding. Stuart is passionate about promoting and securing well-designed active environments which benefit people of all ages “on the ground” through provision of easily accessible opportunities for recreation, sport and leisure and community facing developments which connect people to their local area. This extends to helping secure opportunities for the effective education of people, young and old, to help ensure good physical and mental health and a positive mindset.
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